Kathleen Spalding lives on the rock (mainland Florida) and vacations in False Key, which is the closest she’s come to realizing her childhood dream of being a mermaid.
Her short stories have been published in the False Key anthologies Somewhere South of Normal, Somewhere South of Sane, Somewhere South of Reason, Somewhere South of Sundown, and Somewhere South of Cinco (available at Amazon and Kindle) and in the Florida Writers Association's anthologies #4 (My Wheels) and #6 (The First Step).
She originally wrote A Sibling Book for Toddlers for her older son, who was 2 1/2 at the time. (He has always been a very nice big brother.) It, and the Sibling Book for Older Children, are and will always be FREE for the public to copy, customize, and print for personal use, because brotherly love begins at home ;-)
Short Stories: A different, FREE to read, Short Story will be posted on this website every equinox (March & September) and solstice (June & December).
More FREE stories and poems from Kathleen Spalding and other authors can be read on www.falsekeyfanpage.com
You may reproduce and distribute anything on this website ONLY if 1) You reference the author and 2) You do not sell it. All material on this website is now and is to remain not for profit.
Her short stories have been published in the False Key anthologies Somewhere South of Normal, Somewhere South of Sane, Somewhere South of Reason, Somewhere South of Sundown, and Somewhere South of Cinco (available at Amazon and Kindle) and in the Florida Writers Association's anthologies #4 (My Wheels) and #6 (The First Step).
She originally wrote A Sibling Book for Toddlers for her older son, who was 2 1/2 at the time. (He has always been a very nice big brother.) It, and the Sibling Book for Older Children, are and will always be FREE for the public to copy, customize, and print for personal use, because brotherly love begins at home ;-)
Short Stories: A different, FREE to read, Short Story will be posted on this website every equinox (March & September) and solstice (June & December).
More FREE stories and poems from Kathleen Spalding and other authors can be read on www.falsekeyfanpage.com
You may reproduce and distribute anything on this website ONLY if 1) You reference the author and 2) You do not sell it. All material on this website is now and is to remain not for profit.